

New School Supplies

I LOVE new school supplies.  I can vividly remember begging my mom to shop for them as soon as they started appearing in stores in

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Built-in Best Friend

Last night, I went to sleep to the sound of my two children making brownies together in the kitchen.  They were actually in the same

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Mom Stuff

If anyone ever asked me the best part of my life, I would without hesitation answer, “Being a mom.”  At the same time, if anyone

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Zoom Fatigue

Who knew that Zoom fatigue would become a real thing?  Isn’t it crazy that just two years ago so many things that are now “normal”

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Where I Was Meant to Be

I spent a morning last week training a group of teachers in ideas for reading strategy groups.  It was a small group, and the training

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Summers Past

Let me start off by saying that teachers do not “get their summers off.”  Teachers sign a contract to work a certain number of days. 

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Top Ten

Whilst on Vacation

I am writing this post from a beach house whilst on vacation.  Writing my posts is something I very much enjoy every week, but writing

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Special People

An Interview with Emily

Emily will be 17 on May 28th.  That is factually true.  However, in my mind, she is still my little four year-old pretty princess in

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Only Tennis Shoes

I was at the grocery store one day last week, as usual, when I noticed a woman exiting the store looking straight ahead.  The exit

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My Favorite Teachers

Last week was Teacher Appreciation Week.  I saw lots of posts of happy teachers winning prizes, holding bouquets, and munching donuts.  I always loved this

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Special People

Small Moments

With Mother’s Day coming up, I thought I would write about some sweet things I miss about my mom.  I would really rather write about

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